Drink Driving (3)

Questions to the Mayor of London – answered at on 25 January 2022.

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Photo of Elly Baker Elly Baker Labour

In March 2021 the Parliamentary Advisory Committee on Transport Safety produced a report on “Using alcohol interlocks to reduce drink driving in the UK”. Would you support the introduction of their use in drink driving cases in London? Please give your reasons.

Photo of Sadiq Khan Sadiq Khan Mayor of London

Drink driving remains a major cause of death and injury on UK roads. My Vision Zero Action Plan works towards eliminating road traffic deaths and serious injury in London. As part of this plan, we called on the government to consider introducing the option for courts to require alcohol interlocks as a criminal sanction in drink drive cases.

However, it is important that the adoption of any new initiative, such as the use of alcohol interlocks, is supported by evidence, with relevant technological and criminal justice processes to ensure it is effective. It should be noted that the studies carried out on the use of alcohol interlocks suggest some limitations.

The National Police Chief’s Council (NPCC) is currently considering the use of alcohol interlocks along with other technological advances in roads policing. The MPS continue to be represented and engage in that work.