Questions to the Mayor of London – answered at on 16 December 2021.
Are you aware that the City of London Corporation planners of the Sydenham Hill development claimed that a smaller less harmful development would not be viable, but have never presented any viability evidence, despite the fact that your Good Practice Guide For Estate Regeneration states that "all estate regeneration schemes are required under the Mayor’s draft London Plan (2017) to follow a ‘Viability Tested Route’ to planning permission.”?
I do not have any powers to comment or intervene on any application that does not meet the criteria for referral to me under the Mayor of London Order (2008). In this instance responsibility for the decision on the planning application rested with Lewisham Council as local planning authority. The scheme was approved by Lewisham Planning Committee on 29 June and in reaching its decision the Local Planning Authority would have had to consider the scheme against both the planning policies in their local plan and in my London Plan.