Tuesday, 18 October 2022
What attributes are you are looking for in the new TfL Commissioner, and what objectives would you wish them to achieve?
Can you outline the progress on engaging with partners under your Fuel Poverty Partnership?
The Warmer Homes Scheme has been ongoing since 2018, can you provide metrics for the current success rate of the scheme and the uptake?
Are you aware of the ‘right to grow’ campaign for legislation that would give people the right to grow fruit and vegetables on underused public spaces? Will you support this campaign...
The announcement from the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 23 September about removing the cap on bankers’ bonuses will only widen income inequality in London. How will you and your Deputy...
You have proposed a lifeline tariff, which would provide a basic level of energy free to vulnerable customers. Have you discussed how such a tariff could be implemented with any of the UK’s...
What programmes do you have to help small businesses manage rising energy costs and reduce their carbon footprints?
At the London Assembly Plenary on 6 December 2018, a motion was passed unanimously urging you to make strong representations to London boroughs calling for them to make sexual health support...
Police Horse Sandown died after collapsing on duty at Notting Hill Carnival on 28 August 2022. It was announced that an investigation into his death would be launched. Could you update me on the...
Queensland police in Australia recently announced that they would ban the use of spit hoods. Do you or the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) have any plans to follow their lead and ban the use of...
The Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) confirmed that 67 people were arrested on 19 September 2022 as part of the policing operation for the Queen’s funeral. Could you confirm how many...
St George’s Shopping Centre in Harrow is helping struggling families as the cost-of-living crisis continues by reintroducing their food donation drop-off point. Do you agree this is a...
Brent, along with other authorities, has won a grant of up to £70,000 for removing chewing gum from high streets. What more can be done in terms of public information to stop the blight of...
What mechanisms are there for reviewing London Plan Guidance (LPG) documents once they have been finalised? Would you consider reviewing them should new information come to light on a subject?
What support is the GLA providing to support neighbourhood planning groups write a Neighbourhood Plan?
Please provide details of how you have worked with OfWat to set and monitor ambitious targets to cut water leakages.
Please provide details of how you have worked with OfWat to ensure higher levels of investment in London’s water supply infrastructure to reduce leakage in London.
How have you used your convening powers to help secure London’s future water supply with OfWat and the Environment Agency?
Please provide an update on your work with OfWat and the Environment Agency to move forwards with Abingdon Reservoir.
With flood protection from the Thames Barrier originally anticipated to reduce from 2030 onwards, what assessment has been made of London’s needs from 2030 onwards?
Can you confirm whether you believe anyone in the world that is not currently eligible to use NHS services in London should be able to do so?
Can you please provide an update on Polio vaccine uptake in London in 2022?
Professional and financial services are a key part of London’s economy, what have you done to boost these sectors, and what further plans do you have?
From October 2018 to September 2022 please can you provide a monthly satisfaction level of 101 callers received by the Metropolitan Police Service?
From October 2018 to September 2022 please can you provide a monthly breakdown of the number of 999 calls received by the Metropolitan Police Service, the average waiting time and the number...
Please confirm that under your £3.1m Tree Planting Package, environmental specialists will be consulted to ensure that trees are planted in the correct climate for them to thrive. Will you...
From October 2018 to September 2022 please can you provide a monthly breakdown of the number of 101 calls received by the Metropolitan Police Service, the average waiting time and the number...
Please provide a borough-by-borough breakdown of the number of buildings operating waking watches in London. Please also breakdown the numbers for buildings over 18m and under 18m in each borough.
Will you provide an update on whether the recommendations from the air quality audit in 2018 have yielded positive results and significant changes to the air quality around schools and nurseries?...
In the 2020/21 period, London was again the region to send the most waste for incineration, at 64.1%. Under your environmental plan, you want to make London zero waste by 2050, therefore please...
In your reply of 13 September, you said – ‘There are some wards without dedicated Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), and these are being supported by neighbouring wards. The...
Do you know if Public Practice funded any Accessibility Officers in any of the boroughs? If not, will you consider prioritising this in future?
In your reply of 13 September, you said – ‘There are some wards without dedicated Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs), and these are being supported by neighbouring wards. The...
It was not viewed as appropriate for MOPAC to take on the enhanced responsibilities that model two and three entailed due to the volume of complaints that the Met - being the largest police force...
Given the current cost of living pressures and the number of people likely to need a warm space this winter, what support are you and the GLA giving to London's hardest hit and are you helping to...
What percentage of these reports led to a positive outcome? Could I again have this broken down by borough.
According to the HMICFRS Effectiveness, Efficiency and People report 2021/22 LFB has the lowest rate of cross border exercises nationally. How many cross-border exercises are planned to the end...
How many instances of animal cruelty were reported to the MPS in London in the last three years? Could I have this broken down by borough.
What progress has been made with the sale of the Brigade’s former HQ at 8 Albert Embankment?
Ealing Hospital volunteer Beryl Carr has been named as one of the 50 happiest Britons on The Independent newspaper’s Happy List. Aged 100, she is the NHS’s oldest volunteer. A couple...
On 12 August 2022, Fire Brigades Union assistant general secretary Andy Dark said “We’ve got fire engines sat in stations because there aren’t enough people to staff them. On...
In August the LFB said that “Firefighters fear deliberate grass fires could spike further over summer holidays as Feltham grass fire believed to be arson”. How many deliberate grass...
London’s Fire Commissioner has called for a total ban on disposable barbecues. Do you agree with him? If so, what steps have you taken to work with stakeholders to bring this ban into effect?
What plans, if any, does the LFB have to introduce other safety centres across London?
Does the GLA have an Accessibility Officer in the Planning Team? If not, will you consider hiring one to ensure those with accessibility needs are not forgotten in planning applications?
Will you ask the Deputy Mayor for Transport to meet with the new Secretary of State for Transport as soon as possible to ensure that you and the Government are working together to ensure...
How is the MPS working with prison authorities to prevent radicalisation in prisons?
The Leader of the Opposition has said that if elected, within the first year, a stand-alone energy company would be set up. You have since endorsed this policy. Can you articulate why you support...
What actions are you taking to ensure trees are protected across London and specifically within my constituency to maximise their environmental benefits and crackdown on damaging pruning from...
Please provide an update on the current number of customers with London Power. How will London Power break even when the recommendation on their own website outlines that Londoners should...
At the end of 2021, London Power only had 6423 customers and it is still unknown when the company will break even. What lessons have you learnt from this venture and what do you think should be...
Will you update the Assembly on plans and the proposed timetable for a full restoration of Hammersmith Bridge?
How many employers and employees have signed up to the London Living Wage since you became Mayor? Please give a breakdown by sector.
How are you celebrating Black History Month this year, and how are you supporting Londoners, businesses and public institutions to commemorate Black History Month?
How many children in London will be at risk of food insecurity by the end of 2022?
What does the Government’s mini-budget announced on 23 September 2022 mean for London’s economy?
What response have you received from the Government to your calls to provide free school meals to all primary school children?
In response to question 2022/3014, you stated "a piece of work has been commissioned to look at the initial feasibility of a future Olympics bid. A key part the current work is to look at the...
Does the Government’s announcement of a cap to businesses’ energy and gas costs go far enough to support organisations in London this winter?
The Energy Saving Trust already meets the aims of Energy Advice London by providing “advice on saving energy and keeping warm at home, on installing renewable energy systems at home, and...
Will you join me in reiterating yours and City Hall’s support for policies that promote healthy eating and drinking such as the Soft Drinks Industry Levy?
Obesity and concomitant non communicable disease is estimated to cost the NHS over £6 billion; this is set to rise to £9.7 billion by 2050. How important is it that the Government...
What energy savings measures have you implemented as Mayor since 2016 across all buildings that the GLA is responsible for?
Can you tell us what the cost of Energy Advice London will be if the risk of global energy prices rising significantly lasts longer than a year?
You have been Mayor for six years. Why have suppliers not been expected to have trade union recognition agreements until now?
How are you working with local authorities and what further actions are you taking to ensure trees in conservation areas across London are appropriately maintained, looked after and not damaged?
Can you take action with local authorities in areas where trees within conservation areas have been incorrectly pruned or damaged such as the case in Sinclair Road within my constituency?
Given the recent convictions within the Metropolitan Police, what is the foreseen timeline for Baroness Casey’s independent review into the MPS culture and standards?
In question 2021/4744, you referred to the new Hate Crime Risk Assessment tool of the MPS. What has been the impact of this new tool on how hate crimes are dealt with?
Given the recent spike in moped crimes, what action is the Met undertaking to tackle this often aggressive and violent form of crime?
Will the Met Police’s Estates Strategy ever appear from the depths of your in tray or has the Loch Ness Monster eaten it?
Where has the extra £43m of funding for the Warmer Homes Scheme come from, as the previous scheme from 2018 was equivalent to £20m, and what was the combination of Mayoral and Central...
What guidance is the GLA providing to local authorities with regards to the future electricity supply issues in west London?
TfL publishes the latest performance figures for services operated (since 2018-19) and kilometres operated (since 2016-17) for London Underground. However, similar data is not published for...
What is the average wait time for a digital device to be examined?
How many digital devices does the MPS have that are currently awaiting examination?
Ealing Council is running a pilot scheme to replace gas heating in 25 homes with infra-red technology. What is your view on how this technology reduces bills and increases energy efficiency?
What learning has been taken from the scheme and what changes will be made to improve it going forwards?
Does the MPS have plans to train more officers in the use of tasers?
How many Met police officers are trained in the use of a taser?
Since early 2020, following the Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime Decision PCD 626, MOPAC has been the relevant review body for public complaints concerning the Met. Can you explain the...
In response to question 2022/3015 you stated, "At this time, our engagement is with the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, who have been tasked as part of the government’s...
What support can the GLA give to ensure Boroughs have an Accessibility Officer in their Planning Team?
Do you know how many councils across London have an Accessibility Officer in their Planning Team?
How many businesses do you anticipate supporting with your £1.2m fund to support creative workspaces and cultural infrastructure to become more sustainable in Creative Enterprise Zones?
Please provide the average Metropolitan Police response times for 999 calls categorised as i) I grade, ii) S grade iii) E grade and iv) R grade from August 2021 to August 2022. Please provide a...
In light of Hate Crime Awareness Week, please provide a breakdown of hate crime incidents in the last year broken down by i) month and ii) type of hate crime.
On 20th August 2022, please provide the average waiting time for incoming calls to 999 to be responded to in Southwark.
How will you engage with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities to ensure that they are represented among London’s “wellbeing champions”?
What steps are you taking to ensure suicide prevention programmes, as part of the overall Health Inequalities Strategy, will effectively engage Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities?
How are you supporting London Challenge Poverty Week on 17-23 October 2022?
What steps are you taking to ensure that the needs of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities are embedded in the Health Inequalities Strategy?
What steps are you taking to ensure that women with literacy or digital literacy issues can access women's services?
Is regulation of the hospitality sector in London at the right level to ensure that climate change and sustainability are priorities for the sector?
What steps are you taking to establish or support outreach strategies to Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in respect of Violence against Women and Girls?
What were the top ten most attended training courses within the Met from October 2021 to September 2022 for police officers, how many police officers attended these courses, what was the length...
What are the top ten common forms (paper and digital) that have to be completed by front line Met police officers e.g. use of force? What is the number of times each form was completed in October...
According to the Living Wage foundation one third of jobs (27,000) in Enfield pay less than the London Living Wage. What more can you do to encourage Enfield's employers to pay the London Living Wage?
What feedback have you had on works carried out as part of the Warm Front and Warm Works grant funding?
What steps are you taking to ensure bereavement support services are sufficiently accessible to, and tailored to the cultural needs of different communities like the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller...
For each year Oct 2019 to Sep 2020, Oct 2020 to Sep 2021 and Oct 2021 to Sep 2022, how many reports of impersonating a police officer have been made in London?
Problematic Thames Water-managed infrastructure has resulted in flooding throughout Islington. Will you consider making representations to Thames Water to invest in preventing leaks and...
What plans are in place to ensure that London has adequate flood protection from 2030-2070, when the new Barrier is anticipated to be in place?
If a neighbourhood forum has its application for a designation turned down, what support could the GLA offer them for reapplication? ONS, ‘GDP monthly estimate, UK : July 2022,’ 12...
What steps will you take to encourage Transport for London (TfL) services to refrain from reducing the frequency of the N155 bus service? The N155 bus service is important to my constituents as...
How many GLA group buildings have greywater recycling in place? How much water is recycled through these measures? Please provide a year by year, building by building breakdown.
How many of the properties completed since the Code for Sustainable Homes was scrapped will require retrofitting, to achieve high standards of energy efficiency?
Can you update on progress on developing carbon budgeting for the GLA group budget?
Given the current drought measures the city is under, what messages would you like to share with Londoners on how to reduce water use?
How will you be sharing these messages to ensure they reach Londoners?
What assessment has been made of the water efficiency of GLA group buildings? What improvements have been made as a result of these assessments?
What additional requirements do you think would be helpful to improve water efficiency across London? Will these be included in revisions to the London Plan?
In your response to the Assembly motion, Safer Homes for Women Leaving Prison, you said: “London Blueprint partners have submitted an Expression of Interest to the government to pilot a...
In your response to the Assembly motion, Safer Homes for Women Leaving Prison, you said: “I am supporting the rollout of the Women’s Community Sentence Treatment Requirement (CSTR)...
According to the GLA website, it is now over a year since the London Food Board last met, whereas it is supposed to meet a minimum of four times a year. What are the reasons for this, and when is...
The most recent Survey of Londoners, carried out in 2021-2022, suggests that levels of food insecurity have fallen since the previous survey from 2019. What assessment have you made of the...
How will LFB incentivise employees to become fire safety inspectors?
How many fire safety inspectors are employed by LFB, and what targets and timescales does it have to reach the necessary number?
How many buildings does LFB consider to be high risk in London, and how many times are they audited?
The LFB did not meet targets for risk-based inspections according to the HMICFRS report, 2020-21, and according to Commissioner Andy Roe, speaking to the Fire, Resilience and Emergency Planning...
How is your office working with SMEs in the hospitality industry to help them improve their sustainability and thus their resilience?
How many homes have been retrofitted to date as a result of the Innovation Partnership you announced last year?
When is your current estimate for London Power to break even?
How much money has London Power already lost against the GLA's loan and how much more is it estimated to lose?
For each year, Oct 2015 to Sep 2016, Oct 2016 to Sep 2017, Oct 2017 to Sep 2018, Oct 2018 to Sep 2019, Oct 2019 to Sep 2020, Oct 2020 to Sep 2021 and Oct 2021 to Sep 2022, how many mobile phones...
For each year, Oct 2015 to Sep 2016, Oct 2016 to Sep 2017, Oct 2017 to Sep 2018, Oct 2018 to Sep 2019, Oct 2019 to Sep 2020, Oct 2020 to Sep 2021 and Oct 2021 to Sep 2022, how many mobile phones...
What learning has been taken for SMEs in the hospitality sector from the Green New Deal grant funding offered through ReLondon? How can this learning be upscaled for bigger organisations?
Does the hospitality sector in London have enough support to encourage better practice on sustainability and climate change?
How many trees have you planted in Lewisham and Greenwich since you became Mayor?
How many more fountains are planned to be installed in Lewisham and Greenwich over the next 2 years?
How many water fountains have been installed in Lewisham and Greenwich since you have been elected?
What are you doing to help local councils develop and implement night time strategies?
What more are you doing to help struggling food banks in London given the cost of living crisis?
Thank you for your answer to my question 2022/2924 on monitoring air pollution at City Hall. Given that measurements at the Hoola building are over new WHO limits, will you undertake further...
Thank you for your answer to my question 2022/2924 on monitoring air pollution at City Hall. Will you now install diffusion tubes on the City Hall estate so that pollution near entrances and...
On 23rd September you announced a programme to improve access to sport and activity for women refugees and asylum seekers. Please can you detail which six boroughs will participate in this...
How many jobs have you created since you became Mayor? Please give a breakdown by sector, year, scheme, borough and cost.
How many fast food outlets currently operate across the TfL network or on TfL's wider estate?
You have extended free travel to the lowest paid contractors, catering and security staff who work for Transport for London (TfL). Will you now extend that support for the cost of living to other...
How do you intend to ensure that the Community Risk Management Plan (CRMP) report from LFB will be ready by January [2023]?
Matt Parr from HMICFRS described the LFB’s performance as disappointing from the 2018 report to now against inspection metrics in the September Fire, Resilience and Emergency Planning...
For each year Oct 2019 to Sep 2020, Oct 2020 to Sep 2021 and Oct 2021 to Sep 2022, please provide the number of people stopped and searched (by the Met) by ethnicity, broken down by: •...
How many employers and employees have signed up to your Good Work Standard since you became Mayor? Please give a breakdown by sector.
How are rising energy prices likely to impact on London Fire Brigade’s budget for 2023/24?
Can you provide the number of LGBT+ venues in London each year since 2017?
Which of London’s rivers have been impacted by this summer’s sewage releases?
How are rising energy prices likely to impact on The Metropolitan Police Service’s budget for 2023/24?
What work are you doing to tackle obesity in London?
Childhood obesity is more prevalent in London than in any other English region – how is the GLA’s work and that of the Childhood Obesity Taskforce helping to try to reduce this prevalence?
Last week the NHS launched its ‘You Good, London’ campaign to support the mental health of 18–25-year-olds in London. Can you tell us how the GLA has supported this campaign?
At Mayor's Question Time on the 21st July [2022] you stated that you would visit a club delivering the Government's Holiday Activity and Food Programme, or one of your Deputy Mayors would. Can...
Constituents have told me that they do not trust systems for complaining about aviation noise, are not sure who to complain to, and are concerned that they are not being listened to. Will you...
Thank you for your answer to my question 2022/0016 on London’s progress with Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS). Could you provide an updated table on your progress on this for the...
Thank you for your answer to my question 2022/2891 on tree planting in London. There is now a severe drought, and councils are asking residents to water new trees to avoid losing them. Could you...
Thank you for your answer to my question 2022/2895, in which you mentioned that a new multi-agency group is being established to ensure improvements are made to surface water management. What...
There is a license for fracking (PEDL 245) that covers large parts of Sutton, Croydon and Bromley. Now that the Government has removed the ban on fracking, what actions are you taking to protect...
Your response to question 2022/2635 made clear that you didn't know the cost of introducing Universal Free School Meals (FSM). In order to lobby effectively for universal FSM would it not make...
Londoners have complained about homes overheating during the heatwaves this summer. What steps are you taking to estimate and prepare for the scale of this problem, before a future heatwave hits?
What steps are you taking to ensure London has the resilience and preparedness for a further wave of coronavirus?
Can you provide a list of all CCGs in London and tell us what level of engagement you have had with each of them since 2016?
Will you instruct your team to look carefully at the health impacts the Edmonton Incinerator will have on residents in Enfield and Waltham Forest?
Can you now confirm whether you will be taking part in both the Stonewall, London FA and grassroots organisations City Hall Events on the 26th October and Tournament on the 30th as you...
What impact has a summer of sewage releases had on the health of wildlife in London’s rivers and waterways?
How many sewage works are there in London and which rivers and waterways are they based close to?
In your announcement of a new programme to improve access to sport and activity for women refugees and asylum seekers you mentioned the partnership with Queens Park Rangers Community Trust. Have...
The Deputy Mayor for Environment and Energy previously met with Thames Water to discuss her concerns about the health of London’s waterways. Which concerns was she able to raise and what...
Please provide an update on the work of the London Rewilding Taskforce.
Are there more areas of wetland in London which could be prioritised for restoration?
When do you expect work to begin on restoring the additional 10km of rivers and waterways?
How will the additional 10km of rivers and waterways to be restored by 2025 be prioritised?
Please provide a map of the 45 km of London’s rivers and waterways restored since 2000.
In response to question 2022/2633 you stated 'I have also called on Government to restore the meal voucher scheme for those eligible for FSMs across holidays, to lift the benefit cap and remove...
The London Assembly is a 25-member elected body, part of the Greater London Authority, that scrutinises the activities of the Mayor of London.
The London Assembly was established in 2000 and meets at City Hall on the south bank of the River Thames, close to Tower Bridge. The Assembly is also able to investigate other issues of importance to Londoners (transport, environmental matters, etc.), publish its findings and recommendations, and make proposals to the Mayor.