London Assembly

Friday, 25 February 2022

  • Spring into London

    How much do you expect your Spring into London programme to contribute to London’s economy?

  • London Living Wage by sector (2)

    How many Londoners are currently paid at least the London Living Wage? Can this be broken down by sector? How does this compare to previous years?

  • Living Wage City

    What progress are you making on making London a Living Wage City?

  • 4 Day Week

    Autonomy have piloted a 4 day working week with a number of businesses signed up to the trial. Will you look into this idea and analyse if it could benefit London’s economy, Londoners and...

  • Violence Reduction Unit Funding in Lambeth and Southwark

    Please provide a list of organisations in Lambeth and Southwark that have received support and/or funding from the Mayor’s Violence Reduction Unit.

  • Guidance on social infrastructure

    In your manifesto you pledge to: “produce guidance on social infrastructure, helping local authorities to realise the potential it has to support social integration and community...

  • Mayor’s Construction Academy

    What future plans are there for your Construction Academy? Are you able to commit funding to it beyond 2022?

  • Supporting London’s theatres

    London’s theatres have struggled as a result of this pandemic. How are you able to support them this Spring?

  • Carbon Benchmarks

    Does the Mayor agree with the New Economics Foundation that revised carbon benchmarks mean Heathrow Airport faces a £100 billion bill and how will the next London Plan take this into account?

  • Spring into London (1)

    What targets have you set for Spring into London?

  • Good Work Standard

    How many employers and employees have signed up to your Good Work Standard? Please give a breakdown by sector.

  • Planning Application submissions

    How is the Mayor intending to improve the number of London Fire Brigade submissions to planning consultations?

  • Metropolitan Police attendance of mental health related callouts

    Please provide an annual breakdown of the number of mental health related callouts that the Metropolitan Police have responded to over the last five years.

  • International Visitors

    Please can you outline the plans you have drawn up with your Covid Business Forum to attract international visitors back to London? Please also provide targets and funding allocations.

  • Apprenticeship Creation

    How many apprenticeships have you created since May 2016? Please give a breakdown by project, cost and apprenticeship sector.

  • London Borough of Culture 2022 (2)

    Please can you provide a breakdown of all projects in the London Borough of Culture programme 2022?

  • London Borough of Culture 2022 (1)

    Please can you provide a breakdown of funding to the London Borough of Culture 2022 by project?

  • Night Czar

    Please can you outline what actions the Night Czar has taken to support businesses since the start of the pandemic?

  • GLA functional bodies and renewables (2)

    Further to your answer to question 2019/12022, could you provide an update on the use of renewable energy by Transport for London (TfL), the Metropolitan Police Service (MPS), London Fire Brigade...

  • Fire Safety Concerns with Building Applications

    Last year LFB Assistant Commissioner, Paul Jennings, stated that the LFB raised concerns with approximately 60% of planning applications they were passed for review. How are you working with...

  • Culture at Risk (4)

    What work has the GLA’s Culture Team done with the GLA Planning Team to protect cultural venues that are at risk?

  • One Staircase in Skyscrapers (1)

    We’ve recently seen some examples of proposed skyscrapers in London which only have one staircase despite being over 50 stories tall. What planning policies are in place to ensure the...

  • One Staircase in Skyscrapers (2)

    Does the GLA hold any data on how many skyscrapers in London which are over 100m tall and only have one staircase?

  • Working from Home in Planning Policy

    Given the increase in home working during the Covid-19 Pandemic, is there scope to alter planning policies, such as increasing minimum space standards, so developers can work into their designs...

  • London Living Wage by sector (1)

    How many Londoners are currently paid less than the London Living Wage? Can this be broken down by sector? How does this compare to previous years?

  • Industrial Land LPG (1)

    How will your upcoming LPG on Industrial Land help navigate competing demands for the land use?

  • Industrial Land LPG (2)

    How will your upcoming LPG on Industrial Land address its intensification to increase capacity and what impact will this have on London?

  • Industrial Land Data (1)

    Is the GLA able to break down the Industrial Land in London by its type and quality?

  • Industrial Land Data (2)

    Does the GLA hold any data on the affordability of industrial land?

  • Planning Challenge for Schools

    Can you update me on your plans to engage more school children with the planning system through your Planning Challenge for Schools?

  • London Business Hub

    How many businesses have you supported through your London Business hub to date and at what cost? Please give a breakdown by sector.

  • Pay and Good Work in the Social Care Sector

    How will you seek to understand pay and good work more broadly in the social care sector, so that actions can be taken to improve employment practices?

  • Academies Programme Health Hub

    I understand the central and north west London NHS FFT health hub will cover Brent and Harrow. The hub plans to focus on a range of occupations where there are shortages, including midwives,...

  • Traffic reduction policies in line with 2030 net zero modelling (2)

    Your January 2022 report, London Net Zero 2030: An Updated Pathway, contains a scenario that would reduce car vehicle kilometres by 27 per cent by 2030 to reduce transport emissions, with...

  • Essential Digital Skills Entitlement Data

    In your answer to my question on the Essential Digital Skills Entitlement and enrolment levels among by Londoners (2021/4805) you refer to full data being published on 17 December 2021. Please...

  • Apprenticeship Opportunities for Young Ex-Offenders (2)

    Building on the valuable work of Timpson, who actively recruit ex-offenders, what specific actions are you taking to encourage employers in London to hire more young ex-offenders and help...

  • Apprenticeship Opportunities for Young Ex-Offenders (1)

    What specific actions are you taking to promote apprenticeship opportunities amongst young ex-offenders in London?

  • Culture at Risk (3)

    How is your Culture at Risk Office supporting cultural venues when they are faced with the threat of being converted to residential?

  • Digital Skills Education for Older Londoners

    The recently published Skills Roadmap for London notes that older Londoners have been disproportionally impacted by the pandemic and are among the groups ‘most in need of adult...

  • Culture at Risk (2)

    Has your Culture at Risk Office noticed any impact in London of the Government’s reforms to Permitted Development Rights since they introduced Use Class E and latterly allowed Class E to be...

  • Green Skills Academy

    What progress have you made in fulfilling the commitment in your manifesto to “support a green skills academy that will help Londoners from all backgrounds into new green jobs and...

  • New and emerging green jobs

    How will you increase the number of green ‘new and emerging’ jobs in London, as defined in the GLA Economics working paper Identifying green occupations in London?

  • Housing in the CAZ

    Has the GLA noticed any impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on conversion of office space into housing in the Central Activities Zone (CAZ)?

  • London and Partners

    What work has London and Partners undertaken to improve economic links between London and Taiwan?

  • Cuba Street development

    Is the Mayor concerned that LB Tower Hamlets officers recommended approval for Ballymore’s Cuba Street planning application before London Fire Brigade had submitted its views?

  • First Homes Impact on Social Housing

    What is your assessment of the research conducted by Savills which shows that First Homes could lead to 30% fewer shared ownership homes being delivered through Section 106 Agreements? What...

  • Academies Programme Health Hub

    I understand the central and North West London NHS FFT health hub will cover Ealing and Hillingdon. The hub plans to focus on a range of shortage occupations including midwives, allied health...

  • Forthcoming planning guidance on key worker priority access to new affordable housing

    Thank you for your answer to my question 2022/0076, which referred me to your answer to question 2022/0452. Could you provide details of how forthcoming planning guidance will strengthen key...

  • Specialised offers for social enterprises and community-owned business models

    In your manifesto you pledge to “improve provision for diverse needs and types of business – including specialised offers for social enterprises and community-owned or cooperative...

  • Local authority Strategic Housing Market Assessments

    Which London borough councils have carried out Strategic Housing Market Assessments (SHMAs) since 2018? Could you provide this information in table format, and include the date each SHMA was...

  • Assessing the Adult Education Budget by Borough

    How are you assessing the benefits of the Adult Education Budget by students’ borough? Please provide all relevant data.

  • VRU Outreach Officers

    Does the VRU have outreach officers across London and, if so, how many of these are there and where are they based?

  • Lengthening international tourist stays

    New data shows that tourism in London may not recover from the impact of coronavirus until the middle of the decade. What are you doing to encourage international tourists to lengthen their...

  • No Wrong Door Initiative

    Can you provide an update on the progress of your No Wrong Door Initiative?

  • Cultural Leadership Board

    How will the recently appointed new Chair of your Cultural Leadership Board help the creative sector to recover from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and support creative workers?

  • Kickstart Scheme (1)

    Do you have the figures for the number of Londoners that have taken part in the Government’s Kickstart Scheme? How does this compare to other regions? If you can obtain these, can you break...

  • Kickstart Scheme (2)

    Do you have the figures for the number of London’s businesses that have taken part in the Government’s Kickstart Scheme? How does this compare to other regions? If you can obtain...

  • Culture at Risk (1)

    How many organisations and individuals has your Culture at Risk Office helped since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic?

  • Densification in South Tottenham

    Should lessons be learnt from Haringey Council’s example of allowing densification of up to 1.5 stories in South Tottenham if complying with a strict new design code?

  • Climate change adaptation reporting third round

    Which GLA Group bodies have responded to the third round of climate change adaptation reporting? Could you share their submissions?

  • Homes for locals

    How many homes does the Mayor expect need to be built in Wandsworth to deal with the rising population and waiting list for social and affordable homes?

What is this?

The London Assembly is a 25-member elected body, part of the Greater London Authority, that scrutinises the activities of the Mayor of London.

The London Assembly was established in 2000 and meets at City Hall on the south bank of the River Thames, close to Tower Bridge. The Assembly is also able to investigate other issues of importance to Londoners (transport, environmental matters, etc.), publish its findings and recommendations, and make proposals to the Mayor.

February 2022
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