Wednesday, 16 February 2022
Please outline all the stakeholder groups that the LFB has engaged with whilst developing its new mental health strategy.
Why there has been a delay in producing the draft of the Community Risk Management Plan?
When will a draft of the Community Risk Management Plan be available and open for public consultation?
In answer to 2021/4018 you stated that the LFB were “in the final stages of developing a new mental health strategy.” Can you update me on this work and when the new strategy is...
Will the LFB commit to undertaking full annual workforce surveys going forward?
The London Assembly is a 25-member elected body, part of the Greater London Authority, that scrutinises the activities of the Mayor of London.
The London Assembly was established in 2000 and meets at City Hall on the south bank of the River Thames, close to Tower Bridge. The Assembly is also able to investigate other issues of importance to Londoners (transport, environmental matters, etc.), publish its findings and recommendations, and make proposals to the Mayor.