Friday, 17 December 2021
Please could you detail how you have financially and otherwise supported the London Lea Valley Heritage Alliance?
Please could you detail how you have financially and otherwise supported the London Lea Valley Industrial Heritage Museums?
What housing related measures are you taking to address child poverty for children and their families in London?
What has been the impact of COVID-19 on the number of short-term lettings in London? Has there been a return to pre-pandemic levels in recent months?
Please provide an update on the status of the cycle freight facility and storage centre near Archway station, as mentioned in the 2019 Freight and Servicing Action Plan in connection with the...
What assessments has TfL done on C9 in terms of its impacts on congestion and traffic delays?
Please quantify the expected delays to buses due to Cycleway 9.
Please provide an update on the role of managing agents in the running of London’s housing stock.
What steps can you take to work with leaseholders in London struggling to directly contact their freeholders to challenge costs for which they are liable?
Your draft Police and Crime Plan (2021-25) emphasises the importance of neighbourhood policing and ensuring the police are embedded in local communities. Will you commit to, at the very least,...
What has been the cost of repairs to Met vehicles that have been misfuelled and how many incidents of misfuelling have there been since 2015? Please break down the incidents and the cost for each...
What proportion of Londoners are in more than two months arrears with their council tax?
Given the PRISM 2.0 app has been out for over a year, how successful has it been to date? What further steps can you take to improve on this?
How are you helping boroughs to move to digital planning systems which have the potential to encourage more involvement with the planning system?
How many properties are you aware of in London that have not met the minimum space standards? What can be done to prevent them being built in future?
New research by the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence has found that leaseholders’ mental health has been profoundly affected by the building safety crisis, with 100% of...
How many people and businesses in Lambeth successfully applied for the ULEZ scrappage scheme?
How many grants have been made from this fund to date? Please provide a breakdown since the funds began, showing the size of grant and date of grant award.
How many victims have been helped by the London Victims’ Commissioner?
Will you commit to hold a day long event at the new City Hall with stakeholders from right across the development sector to launch the findings of the very urgent Kerslake Review?
What steps are you taking to ease some of the concerns that communities have when there is a development in their area? What more could you do to engage them?
How many applications have you received for the £25,000 street name replacement grants?
Thank you for your answer to my question 2021/4450. Could you tell me: a) when your new charter for service charges will be published, b) whether it will be consulted on, and c) whether it will...
How many of the LGBTQ+ nightlife venues which have signed up to the LGBTQ+ Venues Charter are fully accessible to people with mobility issues? Please list them.
Do you consider the 350 police officers and staff allocated to fraud and cybercrime to be enough?
If no progress has been made by the Government towards mental health provision for leaseholders via the LEASE scheme, will you now provide a hub for London leaseholders to access support and...
How are you working with partners in the NHS to unlock their surplus land to construct key worker housing which would help low to middle income health workers such as nurses and carers stay in London?
Could you provide data on the total number of buildings demolished, total number of tonnes of demolition material and the amount of embodied carbon released as a result of development projects in...
How many tenants, shared owners and leaseholders in London are struggling to keep up with their service charges? Please exclude fire safety related charges.
Has there been any recent contact from Wandsworth Council with the City Hall Planning Team concerning the Alton Estate Regeneration?
Do you agree with me and local Battersea MP Marsha de Cordova that it is now overdue for Plantation Pier to be renamed and what can TfL do to encourage the owners to rename the pier?
Please also quantify the expected delays to general traffic caused by C9.
Are you able to undertake an audit of developments in the Royal Docks area, given the reports from residents of large numbers of unoccupied completed developments in the area?
What assessment has MOPAC made on the impact the significant reduction in community police stations we’ve seen over the last ten years has had on safety, and the perception of safety in...
Given your ambition to reach net zero by 2030 are you satisfied to see use of gas boilers in this GLA funded project, which is unlikely to be opened before late 2022?
There are still serious concerns over the length of time phones and other electronic devices are kept for gathering digital evidence by the police. What progress has been made on the roll out of...
How many grants have been made from these funds to date? Please provide a breakdown since the funds began, showing the size of grant; social or private residential; and month of grant award.
How many grants have been made from this fund to date? Please provide a breakdown since the funds began, showing the size of grant and date of grant award.
I have been made aware of yet another recent casualty at the pedestrian crossing by Longridge Road on Earl’s Court Road. What action are you taking to get TfL to commit to a review of the...
What steps can you take to incentivise lettings agents in London to be more ethical?
Has there been any assessment of the impact of frequently moving home on the health of Londoners?
Has there been any assessment of the impact to London communities of having a high turnover of private renters?
What impact is living in the Private Rented Sector having on the life chances of young Londoners?
As the experimental temporary lane put round the Hammersmith Gyratory was consistently empty and as TfL is well aware that it caused congestion, why was the result of that experiment seemingly...
I have been informed that there was recently a Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) application for a development at Cluny Mews with an entrance 10 metres from the feeder lane from the...
Is the GLA able to collect data on how long Londoners have been in the Private Rented Sector? Is it possible to track this over time?
Can you provide an update on the recent commencement of the Driving for Change and Vaccination for Homeless Londoners initiative?
Could you update me on current list of proposed key worker occupations eligible for your intermediate tenure of housing?
Thank you for your answers to my questions 2021/4088 and 2021/4089, in which you refer to paragraphs 8.5.2 to 8.5.17 of your resident ballot requirement, the GLA checklist and the two notes you...
My constituents have raised concerns about the impact of cladding remediation works at their building on their physical health. Have air quality monitors in London close to remediation works...
How are you working with London’s councils and the remediation industry to ensure that remediation works do not impact negatively on air quality?
How can the work of the air quality monitoring network in London include monitoring of changes in air quality in areas where cladding remediation work is taking place?
How many cyclists use the Hyde Park Cycle Lane on a daily basis?
London Plan Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) used to be updated on the GLA website on a regular basis, but the last update was 2018/19. When will regular updates be resumed of this important...
London Plan Annual Monitoring Reports (AMRs) used to cover the previous financial year. This time lag has now been extended to two years in the latest AMR. When will this be rectified?
The most recent London Plan Annual Monitoring Report covers the year 2018/19. When will you be publishing reports for 2019/20 and 2020/21?
Will you urgently review GLA policy on subletting for shared owners and listen to the concerns of shared owners caught up in the building safety crisis, working to amend shared ownership policies...
Given the reports from residents of large numbers of unoccupied completed developments in the Royal Docks area, would you (or else a Deputy Mayor/senior officer) agree to visit the area, in order...
As part of your resident ballot requirement, are independent bodies required to submit to you details (or summary details) of complaints they have received about the conduct of ballots. If so,...
Could you please provide an update on the number of homes started and completed in each of the Housing Zones, in each financial year since they were established?
In the GLA: Mayor Draft Budget 2022-23, under Capital Investment there is no funding allocated to Small Sites or the Small Sites Capital Programme from 2022-23. What efforts are you making to...
How many complaints in total have your office, and the office of your Deputy Mayor for Housing and Residential Development, received about the running of estate ballots since they were introduced?
I recently wrote to the independent body Civica Election Services (CES) with concerns about paid canvassing in the estate ballot on the Carpenters Estate, to which CES replied: “We cannot...
Since 2012, how many leaseholders on regeneration schemes supported by GLA funding have been turned into shared owners in order to stay living in their areas? And could you provide similar...
Given the sharp increase in overcrowding in the private rented sector in England (reported on page 79 of the November 2021 report, Housing in London 2021), are you planning any work to reduce...
What have you done so far to encourage and support LGBTQ+ nightlife venues across London in removing barriers to physical accessibility?
How many of the LGBTQ+ nightlife venues which are not currently signed up to the LGBTQ+ Venue Charter are fully accessible to people with mobility issues? Please list them.
What steps have you carried out to assess the scale of existing Housing First provision? Please also provide a breakdown of numbers by borough of unmet need for this cost-effective approach.
Following MQ 2021/1378 Have you made any further representations to the Government to secure funding to expand Housing First provision across London?
For each year Dec 15 to Nov 16, Dec 16 to Nov 17, Dec 17 to Nov 18, Dec 18 to Nov 19, Dec 19 to Nov 20 and Dec 20 to Nov 21, please provide the number of days each year that there have been...
In light of accidents, when will the speed limit on St Helier Avenue be reduced?
You have committed to a review of the policy and process around major estate regeneration ballots. What discussions are you having with residents on estates where ballots have taken place,...
The London Assembly is a 25-member elected body, part of the Greater London Authority, that scrutinises the activities of the Mayor of London.
The London Assembly was established in 2000 and meets at City Hall on the south bank of the River Thames, close to Tower Bridge. The Assembly is also able to investigate other issues of importance to Londoners (transport, environmental matters, etc.), publish its findings and recommendations, and make proposals to the Mayor.