European Union (Approvals) Bill — Clause 1 — Limitation of Scope of Europe for Citizens Programme

Division number 193 – in the House of Commons on 27 January 2014.

Division number 193 European Union (Approvals) Bill — Clause 1 — Limitation of Scope of Europe for Citizens Programme

A majority of MPs voted not to limit the EU's "Europe for Citizens" programme to education about, and reflection on, the Holocaust, armed conflicts and totalitarian regimes in Europe’s history and against explicitly forbidding the programme from promoting European citizenship, integration or institutions.

Aye: 36 MPs

No: 242 MPs

Aye: A-Z by last name


No: A-Z by last name


Absent: 366 MPs

Abstained: 1 MP

Absent: A-Z by last name

Abstained: A-Z by last name