New Clause 22 — Interpretation of the green purposes: duty to assess impact on the Climate Change Act 2008

Part of Relationship, Drug and Alcohol Education (Curriculum) – in the House of Commons at 4:00 pm on 17 October 2012.

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Votes in this debate

  • Division number 78
    A majority of MPs voted against requiring the UK Green Investment Bank to explicitly act in support of the target of reducing UK carbon emissions to 20% of 1990 levels by 2050.

Division number 78 Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill — New Clause 22 — UK Green Investment Bank — Duty to Support Climate Change Act Targets

A majority of MPs voted against requiring the UK Green Investment Bank to explicitly act in support of the target of reducing UK carbon emissions to 20% of 1990 levels by 2050.

Aye: 220 MPs

No: 292 MPs

Aye: A-Z by last name


No: A-Z by last name


Absent: 131 MPs

Absent: A-Z by last name