parliamentary privilege

Business of the House – in the House of Commons at 10:01 pm on 13 July 2009.

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Ordered ,

That the Order of 8 December 2008 relating to the Speaker's Committee on search of offices on the Parliamentary Estate be rescinded and the following Order be made:

(1) That, following the search of a Member's office in the Parliamentary Estate by the police and the seizure of material therein, a committee be appointed to review the internal processes of the House administration for granting permission for such action, to consider any matter relating to privilege arising from the police operation, and to make recommendations for the future;

(2) That the committee have power to send for persons, papers and records; to report from time to time; to sit notwithstanding any adjournment of the House and to appoint one specialist adviser either to supply information which is not readily available or to elucidate matters of complexity within the committee's order of reference;

(3) That Sir Alan Beith, Mr David Blunkett, Sir Menzies Campbell, Ann Coffey, Mr Doug Henderson, Ms Patricia Hewitt, Mr Michael Howard and Sir Malcolm Rifkind be members of the Committee;

(4) That Sir Menzies Campbell be the Chairman of the Committee; and

(5) That the committee report by 31 December 2009. -(Mary Creagh.)