– in the House of Commons at 2:33 pm on 26 June 2009.
I am pleased to present a petition regarding the proposed closure of the hyper-acute stroke unit at Mayday hospital. I should like in doing so to give thanks to those who made efforts to secure 2,794 signatures to the petition: Jenny Chorlton; Mirza Raza and the Muslim Shia'h community of Croydon; the Groves family; St. Mary's Catholic church, in Croydon; St. Mary's church in Addington village; Mr. and Mrs. Goddard; Conrad De Souza; Indranee Bhayro; Ella Lutchmayer of the Croydon Guyana link; Monks Orchard Residents' Association; Spring Park Residents' Association; Pat Perryman; John Wagstaff; and Mr. and Mrs. John and Shirley Trimmer.
The petition states:
To the honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled,
The Humble Petition of the people of Croydon,
Sheweth that there is just cause and need to maintain Mayday university hospital's hyper-acute stroke unit as not only is it critical to receive treatment after a stroke within 30 minutes, but also because Mayday is ranked in the top 10 per cent. of HASUs in the country.
Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your honourable House will urge the Government to preserve Mayday university hospital's funding at a level that will allow it to maintain and expand its HASU provision following Healthcare for London's review of stroke services; and will further urge the Government to prevail upon Healthcare for London to recognise the need for Mayday's HASU to remain open and to operate 24 hours a day.
And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.