Petition — HIV and the G8

– in the House of Commons at 10:18 pm on 18 May 2009.

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Photo of David Lepper David Lepper Labour, Brighton, Pavilion 10:18, 18 May 2009

I present a petition on behalf of Rebecca Rust, Andy Au and 31 members of the City Gate church in Brighton.

The petition states:

The Petition of members of City Gate Church, Brighton,

Declares that almost every minute of every day a baby is born with HIV, and that almost all of these babies are born in the world's poorest countries; further declares that nine out of ten of all new HIV infections in children are as a direct result of mother to child transmission; further declares that the impact of HIV on infants is appalling and that without specialised treatment half will not live to see their second birthday; notes that in a number of countries, HIV and AIDS is the number one cause of death in under-five year olds.

Further declares that in rich countries the transmission of HIV from mothers to their babies has been virtually eliminated due to the availability of health care and the right drugs; notes, however, that in many low-income countries pregnant women and their babies are not receiving the same degree of care and protection; further notes that despite efforts to increase coverage of services to prevent mother to child transmission of HIV, figures from 2006 show that in low-income countries only 1 in 5 pregnant women with HIV had access to the necessary antiretroviral drugs to protect their babies.

Further notes that this shortfall is now attracting global attention and that in 2007 leaders at the G8 Summit in Heiligendamm recognised the importance of preventing mother to child transmission of HIV and promised 1.5 billion dollars to provide access to services for all pregnant women; and believes that the UK has a key role to play in turning this G8 commitment into reality.

The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urges the Government to outline how it intends to contribute to G8 commitments on preventing mother to child transmission of HIV, and to encourage other G8 countries to take similar action

And the Petitioners remain, etc.
