Orders of the Day — Business of the House

– in the House of Commons at 10:06 pm on 24 May 1999.

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Motion made, and Question put,

That, at the sitting on Wednesday 26th May—

(1) the Speaker shall put the Questions necessary to dispose of proceedings on the Motions in the names of Margaret Beckett or Mrs. Marion Roe relating to—

  1. (a) the First Report from the Administration Committee, on the Proposal to Re-open the Line of Route during the Summer Adjournment (HC 394), not later than two hours after the Motion has been entered upon;
  2. (b) Members' Travel to EU Institutions not later than one hour after the Motion has been entered upon; and
  3. (c) Financial Assistance to Opposition Parties not later than one and a half hours after the Motion has been entered upon;

and the last foregoing Motion may be entered upon and proceeded with, though opposed, after Ten o'clock; and

(2) the Motion in the name of Margaret Beckett relating to Select Committees (Quorum) may be entered upon and proceeded with, though opposed, after Ten o'clock.—[Mr. Clelland.]

Hon. Members:
