– in the House of Commons on 12 March 1991.
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what effect he calculated the standard spending assessment for 1991–92 will have on the education service.
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will make a statement on the funding of research in universities.
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what representations he has received on the impact of the Greenwich judgment on local education authorities' school allocation policies;...
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science when he last met representatives of local education authorities to discuss the funding of education.
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will make a statement on reporting by schools to parents of seven-year-olds.
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will increase capital allowances for equipment for schools in rural areas.
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will make a further statement on the cost of school repairs.
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science if he will make a statement about the change in the demand for nursery places in the United Kingdom in recent years.
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what proportion of gross domestic product the Government spend on civil scientific research; and what are the comparable figures in Japan...
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what steps he has taken to ensure that standard spending assessment levels will enable local education authorities to meet their...
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what representations he has received regarding the standards set in examinations in English literature; and if he will make a statement.
To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Science what funds have been allocated to local education authorities to meet the costs of repair and maintenance to the fabric of primary and...