Protection of Badgers

Points of Order – in the House of Commons at 3:30 pm on 30 January 1991.

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Sir Nicholas Bonsor, supported by Mr. Michael Colvin, Mr. Richard Shepherd, Mr. Nicholas Soames and Mr. Barry Field, presented a Bill to amend the Badgers Act 1973 to extend protection to badger setts against acts likely to cause bodily harm to badgers, to restrict further the entry of dogs into badger setts, to increase the penalties for offences under the Act, and to amend further the Protection of Animals Act 1911 to allow courts to disqualify those convicted of certain offences under the Badgers Act 1973 from keeping a dog: And the same was read the First time; and ordered to be read a Second time on Friday 8 February and to be printed. [Bill 70.]