Licensed Betting Shops

Petitions – in the House of Commons at 9:34 am on 25 January 1991.

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Photo of Alan Meale Alan Meale , Mansfield 9:34, 25 January 1991

This petition concerns the rights and feelings of 1,300 people who currently work in licensed betting shops in the United Kingdom. These people feel powerless against a shabby employer who seems intent upon imposing upon them conditions of employment that none of them wants. The petition reads: To the honourable the Commons of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Parliament assembled.The humble Petition of the undersigned being employees of bookmakers operating licensed betting offices throughout the nation sheweth.That we are genuinely concerned that consideration is currently being given by the Home Secretary to a change in the law to allow betting shops to be open to the public until 9.30 pm in weekday evenings.Wherefore your Petitioners pray that your honourable House does not agree to such changes in existing law unless or until:

  1. (a) A satisfactory level of shop security is agreed between the bookmaking companies and ACTS acting on our behalf.
  2. (b) A satisfactory agreement covering salaries, conditions and meal breaks is agreed between bookmaking companies and ACTS acting on our behalf.
  3. (c) Proper and meaning consultations are undertaken by Government Departments or their agents with the communities who would be most likely affected by such legal changes.
And your Petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray, etc.To lie upon the Table.