– in the House of Commons on 16 December 1986.
asked the Paymaster General why the Manpower Services Commission does not conduct follow-up exercises after six months to ascertain what progress has been made for those involved in the restart...
asked the Paymaster General if he will make a statement on the progress made in the application of the new availability-for-work test.
asked the Paymaster General what is the Government's best estimate of the displacement and substitution effect of the enterprise allowance scheme.
asked the Paymaster General how many long-term unemployed people are in receipt of the jobstart allowance.
asked the Paymaster General what increase in employment he estimates to have followed from the recent reform of wages councils.
asked the Paymaster General what measures he considers necessary to increase the volume and quality of training in engineering skills.
asked the Paymaster General why he has changed the community programme eligibility rules for 18 to 25-year-olds in the nine pilot areas chosen for the job training scheme.
asked the Paymaster General how he plans to strengthen the links between the small firms service and local enterprise agencies.
asked the Paymaster General how many people have so far participated in restart courses; how long they last; and how many have got permanent jobs as a result.
asked the Paymaster General if he will make a statement on the progress of the new training initiative.
Mr. John Mark Taylor: asked the Paymaster General if he will indicate the rate of take-up of the restart scheme in the west midlands.
asked the Paymaster General what new initiatives he plans to move obstacles to self-employment.
I remind both sides of the House that questions to the Prime Minister are in order only if they refer to her responsibilities.
asked the Prime Minister if she will list her official engagements for Tuesday 16 December.