Royal Assent

Part of the debate – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 25 July 1973.

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Photo of Mr Selwyn Lloyd Mr Selwyn Lloyd , Wirral 12:00, 25 July 1973

I have to notify the House, in accordance with the Royal Assent Act 1967, that the Queen has signified Her Royal Assent to the following Acts:

  1. 1. Appropriation Act 1973.
  2. 2. Fair Trading Act 1973.
  3. 3. National Insurance and Supplementary Benefit Act 1973.
  4. 4. Hallmarking Act 1973.
  5. 5. Heavy Commercial Vehicles (Controls and Regulations) Act 1973.
  6. 6. Domicile and Matrimonial Proceedings Act 1973.
  7. 7. International Cocoa Agreement Act 1973.
  8. 8. Protection of Aircraft Act 1973.
  9. 9. Pakistan Act 1973 (c. 48).
  10. 10. Bangladesh Act 1973 (c. 49).
  11. 11. Employment and Training Act 1973.
  12. 12. Finance Act 1973 (c. 51).
  13. 13. Prescription and Limitation (Scotland) Act 1973.
  14. 14. Northern Ireland (Emergency Provisions) Act 1973.
  15. 15. Nature Conservancy Council Act 1973.
  16. 16. Statute Law Revision (Northern Ireland) Act 1973.
  17. 17. Land Compensation (Scotland) Act 1973.
  18. 18. Badgers Act 1973.
  19. 19. Insurance Companies Amendment Act 1973.
  20. 20. Aberdeen Corporation Order Confirmation Act 1973.
  21. 21. Dundee Corporation (Brokers etc.) Order Confirmation Act 1973.
  22. 22. National Trust for Scotland Order Confirmation Act 1973.
  23. 23. British Transport Docks (Hull Docks) Act 1973.
  24. 24. Dee and Clwyd River Authority Act 1973.
  25. 25. Greater London Council (General Powers) Act 1973.
  26. 26. Trent River Authority Act 1973.
  27. 27. Tyneside Metropolitan Railway Act 1973.
  28. 28. Greater London Council (Money) Act 1973.