Atomic Waste (Dumping at Sea)

Oral Answers to Questions — Agriculture, Fisheries and Food – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 2 March 1966.

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Photo of Mr Patrick Wall Mr Patrick Wall , Haltemprice 12:00, 2 March 1966

asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what arrangements are made about dumping atomic waste at sea; what degree of pollution results; and whether this is increasing.

Photo of Mr James Hoy Mr James Hoy , Edinburgh Leith

Dumpings are made by the Atomic Energy Authority subject to detailed conditions prescribed by authorisations issued by my right hon. Friend and my right hon. Friend the Minister of Housing and Local Government.

The radioactivity of the wastes is so small in relation to the natural radioactivity of sea water that no measurable degree of contamination results.

Photo of Mr Patrick Wall Mr Patrick Wall , Haltemprice

I thank the hon. Gentleman for that reply. Is he aware that there is growing concern at the pollution of the sea by oil, industrial waste and atomic waste? In view of the increasing dumping by European Powers, will he see that the regulations are adequate in an international as well as a national sense?

Photo of Mr James Hoy Mr James Hoy , Edinburgh Leith

I think that the hon. Gentleman will agree that that widens the Question a little. The question of the safety of sea disposal has been considered by a panel of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the conditions which we enforce comply with its recommendations.

Photo of Sir Knox Cunningham Sir Knox Cunningham , South Antrim

Can the hon. Gentleman say whether any of this waste is dumped in containers? What is the life of those containers? Are we not laying up for ourselves a good deal of trouble in the future?

Photo of Mr James Hoy Mr James Hoy , Edinburgh Leith

I hope not, because the dumpings have been made in selected areas. They are made away from the fishing grounds and, indeed, beyond the Continental Shelf. They have to be at a depth of not less than 1,500 fathoms and we take tremendous care to see that no contamination results from them.

Photo of Mr Jon Rankin Mr Jon Rankin , Glasgow Govan

Would my hon. Friend have another look at this matter in view of the fact that atomic earth, which the United States created in Spain, is not being dumped in Spanish sea waters but is being taken back to America to be buried in the atomic cemetery there?

Photo of Mr James Hoy Mr James Hoy , Edinburgh Leith

I have a sufficient task looking after my own Department, let alone looking after the United States. As I pointed out, we have this international agency to safeguard this matter. It is a serious and important problem and I assure my hon. Friend that we take every precaution to see that no damage arises from the dumpings that take place.