
Oral Answers to Questions — Telephone Service – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 18 December 1963.

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Photo of Mr Frank Hayman Mr Frank Hayman , Falmouth and Camborne 12:00, 18 December 1963

asked the Postmaster-General to what extent he continues to pay regard to non-commercial considerations in the provision and siting of public telephone kiosks.

Photo of Mr Reginald Bevins Mr Reginald Bevins , Liverpool Toxteth

I have regard both to public amenity and to public finance. It is rare for a telephone kiosk to be refused where there is a clear need for one. At the same time there is a limit to what we can do in view of our current loss of more than £3 million a year on public kiosks.

Photo of Mr Frank Hayman Mr Frank Hayman , Falmouth and Camborne

Can the Minister indicate by what percentage the provision of public telephone kiosks is less now than it was, say, five years ago?

Photo of Mr Reginald Bevins Mr Reginald Bevins , Liverpool Toxteth

On the contrary, the provision of kiosks has not fallen but has increased, and we have about 75,000 kiosks throughout the country, which is very substantially greater than in any other European country.

Photo of Mr Fred Blackburn Mr Fred Blackburn , Stalybridge and Hyde

Will the Postmaster-General add to the 75,000 and make it 75,001 by putting one on the Wood head Road near where the former hon. Member for Rotherham was killed?

Photo of Mr Reginald Bevins Mr Reginald Bevins , Liverpool Toxteth

I will take note of that and see what I can do.