The West Indies (Gift of Mace)

Part of the debate – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 17 December 1958.

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Photo of Mr Thomas Dugdale Mr Thomas Dugdale , Richmond (Yorks) 12:00, 17 December 1958

Mr. Speaker, the House will recollect that, on 19th November, on a Motion by the Leader of the House, leave of absence was given to the right hon. Gentleman the Member for South Shields (Mr. Ede), my hon. Friend the Member for Tavistock (Sir H. Studholme) and myself to present, on behalf of the House, a Mace to the House of Representatives of The West Indies. I now have to report that the delegation, which was accompanied by the Fourth Clerk at the Table, has carried out the duty so entrusted to it by the House.

The presentation of the Mace was made on 1st December, when your delegation, Mr. Speaker, was admitted to the Bar of the House of Representatives of The West Indies and was welcomed by the Speaker. After speeches by the right hon. Gentleman the Member for South Shields and myself, the Mace was handed to the Serjeant at Arms, who placed it upon the Table of the House of Representatives. The House then, upon the Motion of the Prime Minister, seconded by the Leader of the Opposition, agreed unanimously to the following Resolution: Be it resolved that the thanks of this House of Representatives be sent to the Commons House of Great Britain and Northern Ireland for their munificent gift of a Mace. I hope, Mr. Speaker, that, in accordance with precedent, you will give the necessary instructions for this Resolution to appear in the Journals of the House.