Part of Oral Answers to Questions — Post Office – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 17 December 1958.
asked the Postmaster-General, in view of the fact that the road in Nottingham Place, Nottingham Street, W.1, and adjacent streets. was dug up by the London Electricity Board in April and May, 1954, from July to September, 1954, from December, 1954, to April, 1955, and from September, 1957, until January, 1958, and by the North Thames Gas Board in August, 1958, and is still up, what steps he took to coordinate the time for digging up the road in these streets with the London Electricity Board and the North Thames Gas Board, before the Post Office dug it up in January to May, 1956, in April to August, 1956, in July to September, 1956, in March to June, 1956, and from October, 1956, to March, 1957, to avoid the inconvenience to residents, traffic congestion, and unnecessary expenditure on the digging up and reinstatement of the road surfaces.