Anglo-Japanese Trade Agreement

Part of the debate – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 1 February 1954.

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Photo of Mr Reginald Maudling Mr Reginald Maudling , Barnet 12:00, 1 February 1954

I am certain that this Agreement will improve the trade prospects of the Empire as a whole and of the United Kingdom as a whole. We shall have a substantial surplus on our trade with Japan from the United Kingdom. So far as Lancashire is concerned, I understand that the grey cloth to be imported is a type of cloth which, on the whole, it will be useful for the finishing end of the trade in Lancashire to have. As my right hon. Friend will have noticed from the announcement, all of this grey cloth is being re-exported, and if it were not processed and re-exported by this country it would probably be done by some other country.