Oral Answers to Questions — Ministry of Defence – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 21 May 1952.
asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Defence what progress has now been made in the co-ordination of welfare and recreation for American Service men serving in the United Kingdom.
I am glad to say that Air Chief Marshal Sir George Pirie has agreed to advise and co-ordinate action on this subject. One of his first tasks will be to encourage the setting up of committees in the neighbourhood of U.S.A.F. bases in this country, where these have not yet been formed, in order that all concerned may combine to help in this field. The U.S.A.F. authorities have welcomed this action and have expressed their willingness to co-operate fully with Sir George Pixie.
While I congratulate the Minister on that step, may I ask him to consider setting up an advisory council representing Government and voluntary interests to help and advise this distinguished officer in his work?
I will bear my hon. Friend's suggestion in mind.
Is the hon. Gentleman aware that American Service men in this country show considerable private initiative in organising their own recreation and, while he is doing this useful work will he also give some thought to co-ordinating and, if possible, improving the recreation and entertainment facilities afforded to British troops in the Far East, where the War Office does not seem to be making a very good job of the matter?