Agricultural Haulage

Oral Answers to Questions — Roads – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 26 April 1948.

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Photo of Mr Anthony Hurd Mr Anthony Hurd , Newbury 12:00, 26 April 1948

asked the Minister of Transport if, in enforcing restrictions on the use of commercial vehicles when the cut in petrol allocations is made, he will give special consideration to the essential service rendered by those engaged in haulage for the agricultural industry, particularly merchants who at harvest time deliver grain direct to the mills from local farms.

Photo of Mr Alfred Barnes Mr Alfred Barnes , East Ham South

Special consideration will be given to cases where a regional transport commissioner is fully satisfied that the cut in petrol allocation is impeding an essential service, whether for agriculture or any other industry, for which no other vehicles already supplied with fuel are available.

Photo of Mr Anthony Hurd Mr Anthony Hurd , Newbury

Does the Minister realise that the demand for this carrying service for corn merchants from the farm to the mill is largely seasonal, and before any cut is made will he consult some responsible body like the National Association of Corn Merchants?

Photo of Mr Alfred Barnes Mr Alfred Barnes , East Ham South

If the occasion arises and representations were made, the regional commissioners would deal with the matter in the ordinary way. So far, we have been able to meet problems of this character without any great difficulty.