– in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 26 April 1948.
asked the Prime Minister if he is aware that Professor Haldane, an avowed Communist, is working on two Government scientific committees; and what action he proposes to take.
I am aware that Professor Haldane is working on two committees of the Medical Research Council. The Government's attitude towards the employment of Communists upon work which is vital to the security of the State was announced in my statement of 15th March, to which I have nothing to add.
Is the Prime Minister aware that in the "Daily Express" of 16th April Professor Haldane is quoted as saying:
I am working on two Government scientific sub-committees. I am a good Communist, and as good a Communist as anybody"?
In view of the fact that the Prime Minister has announced his purge of the Civil Service, is he not aware that purges, to be effective, must apply to people like Professor Haldane and the B.B.C.?
I think I have announced very specifically the extent to which action will be taken against persons of this character, and it is confined to security matters.