Rockefeller Archaeological Museum

Oral Answers to Questions — Palestine – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 17 December 1947.

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Photo of Sir Edward Keeling Sir Edward Keeling , Twickenham 12:00, 17 December 1947

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he will draw the attention of the United Nations Organisation to the risk that the valuable and irreplaceable contents of the Rockefeller Archaeological Museum in Jerusalem may be looted or damaged if the museum area be the scene of fighting; and whether he will state the present and future position of the museum's endowments.

Mr. Creech Jones:

A working committee of the Trusteeship Council is now preparing a draft statute for the City of Jerusalem in accordance with the plan for the future of the city approved by the United Nations on 29th November. I shall arrange for the United Kingdom representative on the working committee to draw its attention to the risk referred to by the hon. Member. The endowment of the museum is held in investments valued on 30th June of this year at 320,000. Income from the endowment during the present financial year is estimated at £P.9,500. Consideration is being given to the future of this endowment so as to ensure its continued application to the purposes for which it was created.

Photo of Sir Edward Keeling Sir Edward Keeling , Twickenham

Will the Secretary of State keep the risk to the museum and its contents under constant review?

Mr. Creech Jones:

Yes, most certainly.