Part of the debate – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 9 December 1947.
My own grandfather was in two New Zealand Governments, and I still have great interest in the country and would like to make one observation about New Zealand. I think my grandfather received from the last of the Maori chiefs who surrendered the jade object which represented his chieftainship, and which was given and received on the understanding that the Maoris should keep their rights in New Zealand. When I was in the country about a year ago, the Maori representative in the New Zealand Cabinet gave me a message of goodwill because I was an English Member of Parliament, and, I think I may add, an English Labour Member of Parliament, though at that time I said to him that I saw no prospect of ever delivering it. Perhaps I may say on this occassion that the relations between the Maoris and the people of New Zealand are a singular and noble instance of a conquered race living with their conquerors in amity and partnership, and that this fact does the greatest credit to both races and is one of the greatest achievements in the whole history of the British Commonwealth of Nations.