Land (Services Requirements)

Oral Answers to Questions — Town and Country Planning – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 9 December 1947.

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Photo of Brigadier Christopher Peto Brigadier Christopher Peto , Barnstaple 12:00, 9 December 1947

asked the Minister of Town and Country Planning when the undertaking given by the Prime Minister on 25th February, 1947, that no agricultural land will be involved by the requirements of the Services in respect of Braunton and Northam Burrows, will be implemented; and whether he will now state when the long promised White Paper will be issued.

Photo of Mr Lewis Silkin Mr Lewis Silkin , Camberwell Peckham

As indicated by the Prime Minister in the statement referred to, the land required by the War Department at Braunton Burrows and Northam Burrows is not agricultural. The answer to the last part of the Question is, "This week."

Photo of Brigadier Christopher Peto Brigadier Christopher Peto , Barnstaple

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that his answer is not in accordance with information I have received from the Clerk to the Devon County Council and the Clerk to the Barnstaple Rural District Council; that great dissatisfaction is caused throughout the country by the occupation of agricultural land; and will he take some steps at any rate to see that if it is not released it will be put under agriculture?

Photo of Mr Lewis Silkin Mr Lewis Silkin , Camberwell Peckham

I was not aware of the dissatisfaction mentioned in the first two parts of that supplementary question, but I will certainly deal with the third part.

Photo of Mr George Lambert Mr George Lambert , South Molton

asked the Minister of Town and Country Planning when the report of the public local inquiry into the land requirements of the Service Departments in the Dartmoor area is to be published.

Photo of Mr Lewis Silkin Mr Lewis Silkin , Camberwell Peckham

It is not proposed to publish the report referred to. I hope to be able to announce a decision in the near future.

Photo of Mr George Lambert Mr George Lambert , South Molton

Is the Minister aware that there is considerable dissatisfaction when the Services continue to occupy land which apparently they have agreed to give up; and can he say whether he will publish the report before Christmas?

Photo of Mr Lewis Silkin Mr Lewis Silkin , Camberwell Peckham

Well, probably not before Christmas. In any case, as I have already answered, it is not proposed to publish the report; that is not usual. However, the decision will be published as soon as possible.