Post-free Parcels

Oral Answers to Questions — Prisoners of War – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 9 December 1947.

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Photo of Mr Thomas Skeffington-Lodge Mr Thomas Skeffington-Lodge , Bedford 12:00, 9 December 1947

asked the Secretary of State for War whether he will make a statement about the make-up of and conditions attaching to the extra post-free parcels he is allowing prisoners of war to sent to Germany this Christmas.

Photo of Mr Emanuel Shinwell Mr Emanuel Shinwell , Seaham

The conditions attaching to the extra post-free parcel for Christmas are the same as those applying to the post-free parcel which a prisoner of war may send once every three months. The contents will be restricted to essential relief items such as rationed soap, toilet articles—other than shaving soap— clothing, medicines or similar articles. The parcel may contain also imperishable rationed food that may have been given to the prisoner of war. The same restrictions on individual items are imposed as in the case of parcels sent to Germany by members of the public.

Photo of Mr Thomas Skeffington-Lodge Mr Thomas Skeffington-Lodge , Bedford

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether toys which prisoners have made for their own children can be included in these parcels.