– in the House of Commons on 4 December 1947.
asked the Minister of Education what instructions he has issued for the purpose of saving petrol in regard to the transport of children to school; and what is his estimated annual saving as a result.
asked the Minister of Education if he will give the reasons for the delays now occurring in the admission of temporary teachers to colleges under the Emergency Training Scheme; and whether he...
asked the Minister of Education (1), whether he is aware that the present roll of children of primary school age in the county of Kent is 107,467 and that the present total primary school...
asked the Minister of Education (1) the numbers of petitions, protests and objections he has received from local authorities, school managers and other public bodies against the development plans...
asked the Minister of Education the number of rural schools in Devonshire in which the children are supplied with heat-treated milk, untreated milk, and dried milk, respectively.
asked the Minister of Education if he will sponsor a central organisation which would help individuals to find suitable vacancies when applying for admittance to universities and training colleges.
asked the Minister of Education if he will give details of any schemes for the exchange of teachers and students between this country and abroad for the year 1948.
The Exchange of Teachers
asked the Minister of Education if he will favourably consider the application of the Hanham Folk Centre Committee to purchase huts to house their various activities.