Artificers (Pay and Promotion)

Oral Answers to Questions — Royal Navy – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 3 December 1947.

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Photo of Mr Eustace Willis Mr Eustace Willis , Edinburgh North 12:00, 3 December 1947

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty what are the total daily rates of pay of confirmed engine room artificers, 4th class, and of the same men immediately on promotion to Acting Sub-Lieutenant (E), respectively.

Photo of Mr John Dugdale Mr John Dugdale , West Bromwich

The total pay of a confirmed engine room artificer fourth class depends on his service and qualifications. A representative rate would be about 73s. 6d. a week, which might be supplemented by watchkeeping certificate allowance of 7s. a week and marriage allowance of 40s. a week, if he were qualified for them. Immediately on promotion to Acting Sub-Lieutenant (E) an officer receives pay of 77s. a week. If married, and over the age of 25, he would also be eligible for marriage allowances of 87s. 3d. a week; if under the age of 25 the marriage allowance would be 45s. a week. The rates quoted in both instances do not take account of Service, accommodation and victuals.

Photo of Mr Eustace Willis Mr Eustace Willis , Edinburgh North

Is my hon. Friend aware that I have just had a case drawn to my notice where a man loses £36 a year on promotion, and in view of the fact that that is likely to deter young artificers from accepting promotion, would he look into the matter with a view to removing the anomaly?

Photo of Mr John Dugdale Mr John Dugdale , West Bromwich

We are already considering it. A special rate of pay, assessed on the pay and continuous additions in the nature of pay made to them on the day before promotion, may soon be granted.