– in the House of Commons on 26 November 1947.
asked the Minister of Food if he will give an assurance that the figures for the importation of dried fruit necessary for making Christmas puddings will not fall below those of last year.
asked the Minister of Food what imports of sugar from the Dutch East Indies he anticipates making in the next twelve months; and whether, in view of the great services rendered to the Dutch...
asked the Minister of Food what proportion of Scotland's share in bulk-bought food imports is discharged at Scottish ports and what proportion transferred from English ports by rail; and...
asked the Minister of Food the annual cost of administering the food subsidies.
asked the Minister of Food if he will state the daily calorific value in detail of rationed foods other than points foods for an adult person.
asked the Minister of Food whether his regulations permit those who grow potatoes on allotments or their own land or gardens to send them as gifts to friends and relations.
asked the Minister of Food on what date the full explanation about the bad and fusty flour was sent by his Department to the Grimsby and District Bakery Trade Association; why this information...
Lady Grant: asked the Minister of Food whether, in view of the fact that the latest uptake figures for orange juice, cod liver oil and vitamin tablets, are only 41 per cent., 33 per cent. and...
asked the Minister of Food why the quality of glucose, supplied by the Ministry of Food to manufacturers of sweetmeats, has deteriorated recently; and what is being done to provide the proper...
asked the Minister of Food if he is aware that there are thousands of cases of tinned rasher bacon lying in the stores in Australia; and if he will arrange for this to be brought to this country...
asked the Minister of Food what information he has obtained as to the quantities of exportable bacon, sugar and dried eggs, to which his attention has been drawn, available in America.
asked the Minister of Food what is the percentage allowed as food wastage when calculating that the average calorie intake today is 2,700 calories.
asked the Minister of Food the composition of the new Fruit and Vegetable (Marketing and Distribution) Organisation, and also whether Clause 4 of its terms of reference will enable it to advise...
asked the Minister of Food whether he is aware of the concern caused in the Forest of Dean by the dismissal of Mr. G. F. Bell, the Food Executive Officer in the Lydney Rural District since 1939;...
asked the Minister of Food if cake manufacturers are free to allocate their products as they wish, or do retailers receive an allocation of cake in proportion to their 1939 trade with the...
asked the Minister of Food if he will state in convenient categories of food the profit and loss account of all his dealings in food including overhead costs since July, 1945.
asked the Minister of Food if he is aware that many milk retailers are now operating at a loss owing to increased costs and reduced sales; and if he will now agree to receive a deputation in...
asked the Minister of Food if he has now been able to arrange for the required supplies of agricultural machinery and fertilizers to be sent to Eire, to fulfil the terms of the trade agreement,...