– in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 24 November 1947.
asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs the reasons for the delay in the hearing of the Corfu Channel case by the International Court of Justice.
The Order of the Court fixing the time limits for the submission of the written pleadings in the Corfu Channel case was made on 31st July, eight days after the Albanian Government had communicated, as required by the Rules of the Court, the name of its agent. It is the practice in international proceedings of this kind very fully to develop these written pleadings, which are a most important part of the proceedings, both as regards the facts and as regards the law. The preparation of pleadings in such detail inevitably takes a considerable time. In fact, the British Memorial was not submitted until 1st October, and the Albanian Counter-Memorial is due to be filed with the Registrar by 10th December.
Will the Minister do all he can to expedite the trial on this very important issue, involving as it does the murder of British seamen on the high seas?
Yes, Sir, we want it to take place as soon as possible, but I think it would be unfair, in view of what I have said, to suggest that there has been undue delay yet.
Will my hon. Friend consider publishing the full pleadings to which he has referred when the proceedings of the trial itself are published?
I am not sure of the procedure there; I would like notice of that question.