Part of Oral Answers to Questions — Ministry of Works – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 24 November 1947.
These Questions presumably relate to the hostel at which members of my Department's mobile labour force are accommodated. The average number of men accommodated in the hostel since it opened in July is 42; the number now there is 60, and is expected to reach about 200. Sixty-four tons of coal have been delivered to the hostel since 21st July. Members of the mobile labour force accommodated in country districts where no social amenities are available are allowed free transport not more than twice a week to a town within a radius of 20 miles from the camp or hostel. These journeys are made in the Department's vehicles which are used in transporting men daily to sites. On 1st November, only three men asked for the normal amenity run to Ramsgate and the driver in the circumstances took a number of men only so far as Bridge. The total cost of a return journey for the maximum distance is about 34s. including cost of petrol. The meat ration is on the basis of 4 5/7 d. per head per day as fixed by the Ministry of food for industrial "A" hostels, and there is the normal issue of one shell egg per head per allocation.