Part of Oral Answers to Questions — Ministry of Works – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 24 November 1947.
Mr. Baker White:
asked the Minister of Works (1) the average number of men housed in the Ministry of Works Hostel at Bifrons Park, near Bridge, and the average monthly delivery of coal to this hostel;
(2) if he is aware that motor coaches are being hired to take residents at the Ministry of Works Hostel at Bifrons Park, near Bridge, on visits to the Kent seaside resorts; that on the night of 1st November, 1947, motor coaches toured the public houses in Bridge to collect residents to transport them back to the hostel, a distance of ¾ mile; and what expenditure of public funds and petrol is involved per month;
(3) the value per week of the meat ration given to residents at the Ministry of Works Hostel at Bifrons Park, near Bridge, and the number of shell eggs per week allocated to each resident.