Belgian Bricks (Imports)

Oral Answers to Questions — Ministry of Works – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 24 November 1947.

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Photo of Wing Commander Geoffrey Cooper Wing Commander Geoffrey Cooper , Middlesbrough West 12:00, 24 November 1947

asked the Minister of Works what is the quantity and value of Belgian bricks imported during 1946; what is the quantity and value of these imported into this country during 1947 up to the nearest convenient date; and what is the policy with regard to future purchases.

Photo of Mr Charles Key Mr Charles Key , Poplar Bow and Bromley

During 1946 approximately 50 million English size bricks and 8 million Belgian size bricks were imported from Belgium. During the first eight months of 1947 a further 40 million English size and 4½ million Belgian size were imported. The prices of these bricks were 50s. per 1,000 for Belgian sizes, and from 68s. to 70s. 3d. per 1,000 for English sizes, f.o.b. Antwerp. The contracts under which these imports were made were completed in August last, and no further Government contracts are in contemplation.

Photo of Sir Waldron Smithers Sir Waldron Smithers , Orpington

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether any English bricks were exported to Belgium during this period?

Photo of Wing Commander Geoffrey Cooper Wing Commander Geoffrey Cooper , Middlesbrough West

Will private builders' merchants be permitted to place contracts for the import of Belgian bricks to this country?

Photo of Mr Charles Key Mr Charles Key , Poplar Bow and Bromley

So far as I am aware there is no restriction on a private merchant importing bricks from Belgium.