Oral Answers to Questions — Scotland

– in the House of Commons on 11 November 1947.

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  • Seaweed Research (Reports) (4 speeches)

    asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether any report of the Seaweed Research Association is now available; and whether any commercial production has resulted.

  • Shop Tenancies (Committee's Report) (8 speeches)

    asked the Secretary of State for Scotland when he expects the report from the Committee of Inquiry set up by his predecessor to inquire into the pressure being brought to bear on sitting tenants...

  • Nationalised Industries (Councils) (5 speeches)

    asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how many official Scottish Advisory Councils in connection with nationalised industries or services now exist; and what are the industries or services...

  • Planning Scheme, Glasgow (Schools) (4 speeches)

    asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether, in view of the fact that the allotted acreage for primary and secondary school premises in the Milton planning area of Glasgow is considerably...

  • District Councils (Association) (4 speeches)

    asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he has considered the memorial from the proposed District Councils Association, which calls for the right of district councils to contribute towards...

  • Housing (10 speeches)

    asked the Secretary of State for Scotland whether he is aware of the unsatisfactory condition of the huts on the Market Muir, Huntly, which have been let by his Department for human occupation...

  • Agricultural Labour and Machinery (11 speeches)

    asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he is aware of the shortage of labour on the land, the difficulties that are likely to arise when German prisoners are withdrawn, and the need for an...

  • Economic Survey for 1948 (7 speeches)

    asked the Secretary of State for Scotland if he proposes to prepare an Economic Survey of Scotland for 1948 and if it will include an import and export balance sheet for Scotland.

  • Homeless Children (Committee) (2 speeches)

    asked the Secretary of State for Scotland what progress has been made in the appointment of an advisory committee for the care of homeless children.