Oral Answers to Questions — British Army – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 28 October 1947.
asked the Secretary of State for War how many complaints have been received from wives whose husbands have deserted them after being demobilised outside the United Kingdom, and outside the jurisdiction of British Courts; and if he will take immediate steps to check this abuse.
The information asked for in the first part of the Question is not readily available. All future applications for local release from married personnel will be referred to the War Office, who will communicate with the wife. If it is believed, as a result of these inquiries, that the husband is seeking to evade his domestic responsibilities release abroad will not be permitted and the officer or man concerned will be released in the United Kingdom.
Do I understand from that reply that this will be done, if it has not already been done?
I am advised that it is a new arrangement.
Could my right hon. Friend say if this machinery has been adopted in the other Services as well?
I could not say.