Kitchen and Refreshment Rooms (House of Commons)

– in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 27 October 1947.

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Select Committee appointed to control the arrangements for the Kitchen and Refreshment Rooms in the department of the Serjeant at Arms attending this House:—To consist of Seventeen Members:—Commander Agnew, Mr. Alexander Anderson, Mrs. Ayrton Gould, Mr. Bartlett, Lieutenant-Commander Gurney Braithwaite, Mr. Collins, Viscountess Davidson, Mr. Haydn Davies, Mr. Guy, Mr. Keeling, Mr. Arthur Lewis, Mr. McEntee, Mr. Mainwaring, Captain Marsden, Sir Henry Morris-Jones, Mrs. Nichol and Mrs. Ridealgh:—Power to send for persons, papers and records:—Three to be the Quorum.—[Mr. R. J. Taylor.]