– in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 23 October 1947.

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Select Committee appointed to consider every Statutory Rule or Order (including any Provisional Rule made under Section 2 of the Rules Publication Act, 1893) laid or laid in draft before the House, being a Rule, Order or Draft upon which proceedings may be or might have been taken in either House in pursuance of any Act of Parliament, with a view to determining whether the special attention of the House should be drawn to it on any of the following grounds:

  1. (i) that it imposes a charge on the public revenues or contains provisions requiring payments to be made to the Exchequer or any Government Department or to any local or public authority in consideration of any licence or consent, or of any services to be rendered, or prescribes the amount of any such charge or payments:
  2. (ii) that it is made in pursuance of an enactment containing specific provisions excluding it from challenge in the courts, either at all times or after the expiration of a specified period:
  3. (iii) that it appears to make some unusual or unexpected use of the powers conferred by the Statute under which it is made:
  4. (iv) that it purports to have retrospective effect where the parent Statute confers no express authority so to provide:
  5. (v) that there appears to have been unjustifiable delay in the publication or in the laying of it before Parliament:
  6. (vi) that for any special reason, its form or purport calls for elucidation:

Mr. Bowles, Mr. Eric Fletcher, Mr. Hector Hughes, Mr. Lyne, Colonel Sir Charles Mac Andrew, Mr. Murray, Mr. Oliver Poole, Mr. Renton, Mr. Sydney Silverman, Mr. E. P. Smith and Mr. Frederick Willey:

To have the assistance of the Counsel to Mr. Speaker:

Power to sit notwithstanding any Adjournment of the House, and to report from time to time:

Power to require any Government Department concerned to submit a memorandum explaining any Rule, Order or Draft which may be under their consideration or to depute a representative to appear before them as a Witness for the purpose of explaining any such Rule, Order or Draft:

Three to be the Quorum:

Instruction to the Committee that before reporting that the special attention of the House should be drawn to any Rule, Order or Draft the Committee do afford to any Government Department concerned therewith an opportunity of furnishing orally or in writing such explanations as the Department think fit:

Power to report to the House from time to time, any memoranda submitted or other evidence given to the Committee by any Government Department in explanation of any Rule, Order or Draft:

Power to take evidence, written or oral, from His Majesty's Stationery Office, relating to the printing and publication of any Rule, Order or Draft.—[Mr. Hannan.]