– in the House of Commons on 11 August 1947.
asked the Minister of Transport if he will state the number of serviceable locomotives in operation on the four main line railways and the number of serviceable wagons, including private owners,...
asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that, owing to the disparity between omnibus and railway fares, many short-distance trains are lightly loaded; and whether he will arrange a...
asked the Minister of Transport what steps have recently been taken to obtain the maximum consultation and co-operation between management and staff on day-to-day problems on British railways;...
asked the Minister of Transport the expenditure which is to be incurred in the next two years in improving the railways, detailing in particular the amount of money which will be spent on...
asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware that the transport of herring by rail is now slower than at any time during the war; that it frequently takes over 48 hours for the fish to...
The following Question stood upon the Order Paper in the name of Mr. DRIBERG: