Clause 77. — (Land ripe for development before the appointed day.)

Part of Orders of the Day — Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Bill – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 5 August 1947.

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Photo of Mr George Buchanan Mr George Buchanan , Glasgow Gorbals 12:00, 5 August 1947

I beg to move, "That this House doth disagree with the Lords in the said Amendment."

This Amendment was carried in another place, although the Government did not seek to press their disagreement with it to a vote because there had been already, on the same principle, a Division on the English Bill, and it was felt to be of no use to have another Division on the principle in this case. The noble Lord who moved this Amendment explained that it was intended to widen the definition in the Bill of what is described as "dead ripe land." This Amendment proposes to extend the definition in the Bill to make it applicable to land in the course of development and land that, but for the war, would have been in the course of development. It also extends it by saying that the proposed development of the land is or would be immediately practicable but for the war and circumstances arising out of the war.

We debated this point in the Committee upstairs, as we did most of the matters of these Amendments. I read the discussions on the English Bill, so that I know that there constantly arose in them the issue that some things were not discussed because of the operation of the timetable. I think that hon. and right hon. Gentlemen will agree that, on this main issue that we are now discussing, we had our doubts upstairs in the Scottish Grand Committee. There is no issue on which we have so much doubt as we have on this issue of dead ripe land, its definition, and where it was to be said to begin and where it was to be said to end.

7.15 p.m.

Let me make an admission. I do it with some temerity, because the longer I am at this office, and the longer I have to deal with hon. and right hon. Gentlemen opposite, the more I find that the less one admits, and the less one puts things straightforwardly, telling what is in one's thoughts, the less difficulty one gets into. When we tell people things, they pick them up and use them against us, and that makes one fearful of telling the truth. In our discussions upstairs I made this admission which I am going to make here. Always in the field of definition in legislation we have the difficulty of what is on the one side or the other of the borderline. We always have some marginal cases and some difficult cases which come near the borderline. So I do not deny that here, as in every other case where there is a definition, difficulties will arise.

When I have said so much let me say what is our definition. We have defined dead ripe land as being excluded land the owner of which applied to the planning authority for permission to develop, having taken such steps as would lead the local planning people and the local authority to think he was going to develop it. That is what we have excluded. He must have taken certain definite steps. If he fails to do that, we cannot bring him within the category. We do recognise—and I say this frankly—that there must be a number of borderline cases, cases which make it difficult.

So I will say a word or two on how we deal with what we would term the difficult case. Here I say I know I bring myself into conflict—quite honestly in conflict—with hon. and right hon. Gentlemen on the other side. I know that on what I am going to propound they will make a claim on the £300 million. I know that the consistent line of hon. and right hon. Gentlemen opposite has been to take as many people out of this claim on the £300 million as they could, in order to leave the £300 million to go to as few people as possible, to benefit them the more. I recognise that I shall find myself in disagreement with them.

What do we do with persons on the borderline? We lay it down here that in the case of what we call, for the sake of the nearest word, "near ripe land"—and this was announced even in the English Bill—we propose to be covered by a scheme covering land held on 7th January, 1947, which, taking all into account, it was reasonable to expect would in five years be developed—or which any person who would take it in the same period would develop—for reasonable purposes of, say, building houses for their own occupation or factories for their own use. To say that that class is a special category in the claim on the £300 million, for almost if not equal treatment, means that the development charge would be cancelled out by the amount that they would get out of the £300 million. I have said this because in my view we can go no further.

I have no doubt that hon. Members opposite will say to me: "Ah, but there is this class of dead ripe land. Where a person has a big estate which he meant to develop it is a hardship on him not to be allowed this concession." I made the last part of my announcement because I thought it went some way to meet that point of view. As from the date I have mentioned, the person concerned must have taken certain steps, and if he has failed to take those steps, he does not come within the scheme. I think I have explained the position of the Government. We have debated this matter at length before, and I have now gone over it again. On this matter I feel that the Government must uphold the view they expressed in Standing Committee, which is the view I have just stated.