
Oral Answers to Questions — British Army – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 29 July 1947.

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Photo of Sir Toby Low Sir Toby Low , Blackpool North 12:00, 29 July 1947

asked the Secretary of State for War how many officers and men of the British Army have been killed,

Casualties since VJ-Day (14th August, 1945) to 30th June, 1947 (latest date for which figures are available).
1. Deaths (all causes):
(a) From 1st August, 1945, to 31st January, 194722,404
(b) From 1st February, 1947, to 30th June, 1947840
(c) Total of deaths (all causes) reported as struck off strength from 1st August, 1945 (nearest date to VJ-Day) to 30th June, 194723,244
Reported in the period mentioned irrespective of the date when they occurred and may therefore include deaths which occurred earlier. Figures for the period Ist-I4th August, 1945, cannot be separated without considerable difficulty.
2. The only precise information readily available on battle casualties is as follows:
Covering period.Officers.Other Ranks.All Ranks.
(a) Killed and died of wounds.
Palestine1st August, 1945 to 30th June,156479
Java and Sumatra1947 1st October, 1945 to 9th November, 1946.3822
These figures are included in the totals of deaths from all causes given above.
(b) Wounded
Palestine1st August, 1945, to 30th June, 194724156180
Java and Sumatra1st October, 1945, to 9th November, 1946.6362125
(c) Missing
Palestine1st August, 1945, to 30th June, 1947None reported
Java and Sumatra1st October, 1945,10 9th November, 1946.61420

No information is readily available as to the numbers kidnapped.

With regard to the last part of the Question, figures for the period 1st January, 1947 to 30th June, 1947. in respect of Palestine only (no other date available) are as follow:

Office.Other Ranks.All Ranks.
(a) Killed and died of wounds72128
(b) Wounded10100110

wounded and kidnapped in the period from VJ-Day until 28th July, 1947;and how many in each case since 1st January 1947.

Photo of Mr Frederick Bellenger Mr Frederick Bellenger , Bassetlaw

I will permission, circulate details in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following are the details: