Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Commerce

– in the House of Commons on 17 July 1947.

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  • Paper Allocation (17 speeches)

    asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that the hon. Member for Solihull, in common with other hon. Members, has received prospectuses and trade circulars from Messrs....

  • Essential Goods (Export) (5 speeches)

    Mr. De la Bère: asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in view of the fact that there is an overwhelming handicap to production costs by the shortage of many essential goods...

  • Raw Material Controls (Staffs) (4 speeches)

    asked the President of the Board of Trade whether staffs of raw material controls are allowed to engage in business as merchants and exporters of articles made from the raw materials concerned.

  • Rhodesian Tobacco (4 speeches)

    asked the President of the Board of Trade what is the amount of Rhodesian tobacco covered by the existing import quotas; and if, in view of the fact that this year's crop is estimated to show an...

  • Waste Paper (Imports) (5 speeches)

    asked the President of the Board of Trade the average monthly tonnage of waste paper now being imported into this country

  • Tyres (Exports and Imports) (10 speeches)

    Mr. Walter-Fletcher: asked the President of the Board of Trade the respective totals of tyres on new vehicles, and not on vehicles, exported from this country to sterling areas and to...

  • Scaffold Boards (Importation) (5 speeches)

    asked the President of the Board of Trade if he has had the opportunity of considering the details which have been sent to him concerning the importation into Britain of 73,000 scaffold boards of...

  • Foreign Countries (Import Embargoes) (4 speeches)

    asked the President of the Board of Trade what countries have placed an embargo on imports from this country.

  • Carbon Black (5 speeches)

    asked the President of the Board of Trade what stocks of carbon black were held in this country on 1st January, 1947, and 1st July, 1947.

  • Card Clothing (4 speeches)

    asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that a contributing factor to the shortage of woollen and carpet yarn is the shortage of card clothing; and what action he is taking,...

  • Clothing Manufacture (Lining Materials) (4 speeches)

    asked the President of the Board of Trade what action he is taking to increase the supply of linings; whether he is aware that the lack of balance in the supplies of cloth and linings is...

  • Newsprint Import Restrictions (40 speeches)

    asked the President of the Board of Trade what is the estimated daily reduction in the number of inches of reading matter and advertisements, respectively, which will be caused by the cut in...

  • Factories, Grantham (Allocation) (12 speeches)

    asked the President of the Board of Trade if he intends to continue with the re-allocation of Grantham Productions, Limited, to the Cotton Syndicate, in view of the fact that Mr. Westbrook has...