Agricultural Workers' Houses Penrith

Oral Answers to Questions — Town and Country Planning – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 15 July 1947.

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Lieut.-Colonel Dower:

asked the Minister of Town and Country Planning, if he is aware that the programme for the provision of houses for agricultural workers in the Penrith rural district is being held up owing to objections from his Department; and if he will take steps to enable the Penrith Rural District Council to proceed with the erection of houses, no only in the small and large villages, but also in the vicinity of farms where at present no suitable accommodation for farmworkers is available.

Photo of Mr Fred Marshall Mr Fred Marshall , Sheffield, Brightside

On 18th March this year, sites for 40 houses in the Penrith rural district were submitted to my Department for clearance. In approximately two months clearance had been given to the sites for 32 of these houses. More difficulty has been experienced in dealing with the remaining sites, but a meeting is about to be held in the region in an attempt to reach agreement on them. With regard to the second part of the Question, I would refer the hon. Member to the answer given on 18th March to the hon. Member for Maidstone (Mr. Bossom), regarding the Government's general policy on the siting of houses for agricultural workers.

Lieut.-Colonel Dower:

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that this is a very scattered rural area and that skilled men are required near the farms where they can work on the farms and look after the stock? Will he inform me whether his branch of the Ministry of Town and Country Planning bear in mind this matter, which is very vital to the farming industry?

Photo of Mr Fred Marshall Mr Fred Marshall , Sheffield, Brightside

Yes, Sir. Some of the difficulties have arisen owing to the very laudable desire to provide sewerage for these cottages, but, in view of the site, I think we can waive that objection now.