Oral Answers to Questions — Trade and Commerce – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 23 June 1947.
asked the President of the Board of Trade if he will identify the members of the group to whom he allocated the factories recently occupied by Grantham Productions, Limited; and whether production will include motor cars and of what description.
Mr. F. Sidney Cotton has represented the purchasers of the assets of Grantham Productions, Limited, for whom the allocation of the factories is to continue. It is not intended to continue production of motor cars at these factories.
Sir J. Mellon:
Will the Minister say what experience this gentleman has of the manufacture of agricultural tractors, and what financial resources he is prepared to provide for this enterprise?
I feel sure that the hon. Member will appreciate the difficulty I am in at the present time. I will make his representations known to the Minister concerned.
Has the attention of the President of the Board of Trade been drawn to the necessity for the models of any tractors being thoroughly tried out on the farms before they are produced at this or any other factory?
My hon. Friend can rest assured that the attention of my right hon. Friend will be drawn to the point he has mentioned.