Transfers from Indian Army

Oral Answers to Questions — British Army – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 17 June 1947.

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Photo of Mr Gordon Touche Mr Gordon Touche , Reigate 12:00, 17 June 1947

asked the Secretary of State for war if he will take steps to ensure that British sergeants, now being compulsorily transferred from the Indian Army Corps of Clerks to the R.A.S.C., shall not suffer a reduction of pay owing to such transfer.

Photo of Mr Frederick Bellenger Mr Frederick Bellenger , Bassetlaw

There is no question of compulsory transfer in this case. Except for some senior ranks who are pensionable by age and service and cannot be absorbed into the British service, all concerned are to be offered the alternatives of discharge with pension or gratuity as applicable under the current regulations, or voluntary transfer to the British service which would of course mean serving on British rates of pay and allowances.