Cotton Spinning Industry

Oral Answers to Questions — Employment – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 10 June 1947.

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Photo of Lieut-Colonel Sir Walter Bromley-Davenport Lieut-Colonel Sir Walter Bromley-Davenport , Knutsford 12:00, 10 June 1947

asked the Minister of Labour (1) whether, in view of the importance of getting the maximum advantage from new equipment, he will ensure that effective steps are taken at the earliest opportunity to initiate a system whereby impartial work-load assessments for the cotton-spinning industry can be arrived at;

(2) whether he is aware that one of the greatest difficulties in arriving at agreement for wage levels in the cotton-spinning industry is the absence of any independent system of assessment of the aggregate work-load for optimum production and fair working conditions; and what action he proposes to take in the matter.

Photo of Mr George Isaacs Mr George Isaacs , Southwark North

The Report of the Ever-shed Commission, which covers both wages arrangements wages arranements and methods of organisation or work, is at present the subject of discussion between the two sides of the cotton spinning industry. I am aware that the subject of work load assessment has been raised in the course of these discussions which, I understand, are being resumed today. I am sure that due regard will be paid to this and related questions, but they are matters that should be settled by agreement between the two sides of the industry.