Part of the debate – in the House of Commons at 12:00 am on 9 June 1947.
I am informed by the Glasgow port authorities that this ship, carrying 8,225 tons of general cargo for Glasgow and 2,462 tons of steel for Liverpool, commenced discharge in Glasgow on 18th March. When the dockers' strike began on 24th March, there was still on board 1,306 tons of cargo for Glasgow, consisting of foodstuffs and 15 cases of machinery, including agricultural machinery. Authority had been given for the use of military labour to unload perishable and rationed foodstuffs, and I understand that in the circumstances at the time, it was considered that the use of military labour for unloading the machinery would be liable to add to the difficulty caused by the strike. Rather than delay the ship longer, the owners sailed the "Eucadia" for Liverpool on 26th April, but the Liverpool dockers refused to handle the cases of machinery. The "Eucadia," having completed discharge of the steel consigned to Liverpool, sailed to New York with the cases of machinery on board. The last part of the question envisages hypothetical circumstances upon which I am unable to comment.