– in the House of Commons on 9 June 1947.
asked the Minister of Food whether he is aware that the British Sugar Corporation are refusing to negotiate with the appropriate trade union to which many members of its staff belong; and whether...
asked the Minister of Food what was the reason for the recent substantial increase in the prices charged by confectioners for cakes and pastries.
asked the Minister of Food how many licences have been granted to new cafés and restaurants in Cardiff in the last 12 months; and on what principles the grant of a licence is decided.
asked the Minister of Food if he is aware that, owing to the price rise in all gear, particularly nets, the catching of mackerel, skate and ray at today's prices is uneconomical; and if he will...
asked the Minister of Food whether he will arrange, as soon as possible, for imported cheddar to be matured after importation in order to make it more palatable to those who acquired a taste for...
asked the Minister of Food the average calorie intake per person per day for the year 1946, including all consumption of food whether at home or outside.
asked the Minister of Food whether he will take steps to eliminate the profit margins on the sale of fruit and vegetables which are accruing to certain classes of middlemen who have ceased to...
asked the Minister of Food whether he is aware that approximately 5,388 lb. of offal, together with 3,579 lb. of beef, 978 lb. of corned beef, 440 lb. of pork, as well as other items, were...
asked the Minister of Food whether his Department has made any attempt to secure surplus linseed oil in Holland.
asked the Minister of Food for what reasons his Department over-ruled the recommendation of her family doctor that Mrs. Ward, 93, Turnpike Lane, N.8, shoud receive extra meat and butter by...